A downloadable book

Gender Panic and Other Stories contains 253,777 words of transgender fiction: seven short stories, seven novelettes, one novella, and two short novels. Six of the stories (including both novels), 163,290 words, have never appeared online before. All the stories have new afterwords and the collection has an introduction, an overview of the stories, and content warnings.

In “A Girl, a House and a Secret,” a woman who’s been fired from her teaching job after being outed as trans gets a job as tutor to a disabled child. But there’s something the family is hiding…

In “Nine Months and Counting,” a farmer in a far-future post-apocalyptic world dreams of being a woman and having babies. But in the waking world he has a crisis on her hands as his wife goes to the village market with a flat belly and comes home hours later, nine months pregnant.

In The Wakened Princess, a team of archaeologists are exploring a strangely-preserved palace full of people who have slept for centuries when they discover what it will take to wake them. It will change a trans grad student’s life.

In “Smart House AI in Another World,” a household AI from a small suburban town finds herself suddenly inhabiting a large stone mansion in a strange city, summoned there by a wizard to keep house for him and his family. She wants to find a way home, but first, one of the wizard’s children has a problem she may be able to help with…

In “Race to the Altar,” the reading of a mage’s will leads to a race among his descendants to see who can be the first to get married and claim the inheritance.

In “By Strange Ways,” a trans waitress is accosted by a naive, eager trans girl from another world who wants to know how she can become a woman.

And eleven more.

Contents: (those marked with a * have not previously appeared)

A Girl, a House and a Secret
Gender Panic
Race to the Altar
By Strange Ways *
Smart House AI in Another World
Two First Times (comphet-free edition)
The Etiquette Teacher *
The Accidental Detective *
Nine Months and Counting *
A Post-Scarcity Christmas
The Wakened Princess *
Cataloguing, Casting and Cracking *

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
AuthorTrismegistus Shandy
TagsFantasy, non-binary, Sci-fi, short-fiction, Transgender


gender_panic_itch_v2.mobi 1 MB
gender_panic_itch_v2.epub 3 MB
gender_panic_itch_v2.pdf 1 MB

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